What is the site Ertherscan.io for, and how it can help us understand the cryptocurrency better

Etherscan.io is a popular block explorer for the Ethereum blockchain. It provides users with a wealth of information about Ethereum transactions, addresses, and smart contracts.

Etherscan.io is a popular block explorer for the Ethereum blockchain. It provides users with a wealth of information about Ethereum transactions, addresses, and smart contracts. Some of the key features of Etherscan include:




  1. Transaction search: Users can search for any Ethereum transaction by entering its hash code or the public address of the sender or recipient.

  2. Address tracking: Etherscan allows users to track the activity of any Ethereum address, including its balance, transaction history, and smart contract interactions.

  3. Smart contract analysis: Users can view the source code, ABI (Application Binary Interface), and contract address of any deployed smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain.

  4. Token tracking: Etherscan provides information on ERC-20 tokens and other Ethereum-based tokens, including their contract addresses, total supply, and token holders.


By using Etherscan, users can gain a deeper understanding of how the Ethereum blockchain works and how transactions are processed on it. They can also monitor their own Ethereum addresses and transactions, track the activity of other users and projects on the network, and analyze the performance of smart contracts and tokens.


Overall, Etherscan is a valuable tool for anyone interested in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, particularly those who use or invest in Ethereum. It can help users make more informed decisions about their transactions, investments, and overall engagement with the Ethereum ecosystem.



Holder as of today





Awalludin Ramlee

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