The Law of Attraction – How to Shape your Life!

Law of attraction works only if you want to shape your life with your own efforts and will. Everything can become smooth if we believe in ourselves ✨

For anyone who has never heard of the LOA, put in its’ simplest terms it is a universal law that you attract what you think about, be it positive or negative. Due to the recent popularisation of the law it seems its’ meaning has become somewhat lost, with many people believing it is about simply thinking positive and you will bring whatever it is you want into your life. This unfortunately is not the case. We can’t always control our circumstances, but we can control how we respond to them. It is a process of learning how to control your thoughts. Here is an example to make it a little easier for you to understand; if you’re struggling with money chances are you will be complaining often saying “I need more money,” or “I’m so broke!” and therefore you don’t find more money as you continue to attract needing more money. Instead of saying “I wish I wasn’t so skint” say “I am wealthy” (even if you’re currently living off the Eurosaver menu). You must speak into existence that which you want and most importantly believe that what you ask for is actually coming. ALWAYS think and say what you want, NOT WHAT YOU DON’T WANT!

Step 1: Be clear about what you want

If you’re starting out, I recommend beginning with something small. In The Secret, Rhonda Byrnes suggests asking the universe to see a feather as a way for you to test the LOA. Ask, and then don’t ask again. Don’t worry if you don’t see it within an hour or even that day, just believe you will. I tried this when I first started out and yes, I saw a feather in my own home, randomly just appearing in my hallway. So, give it a go if you’re a bit skeptical!

Once you’re ready to ask for something a little more advanced, first sit down and really think about it and why you want it, and be specific, this is very important.

Step 2: Ask

Just like with the feather, you ask for what it is you want and send your intention out into the universe. If you want to take this more seriously I would highly recommend creating a vision board. Not only are they fun to make, but creative visualisation has shown to be very effective in the LOA. Stay tuned for my next article where I talk you through making your very own vision board! 

Step 3: Believe

I know it may be hard but you must try not question how or when it will come to you. You just need to teach yourself to believe that have already have/own whatever it is that you asked for and most importantly feel what its like to have it. If you asked to get an interview for a particular job you want, visualise everything from the moment you get the phone call from them up until the moment you walk through their door and feel the excitement and nervousness that comes with that experience. It sounds silly, but trust me, it works. During the process of waiting, avoid becoming disheartened if you don’t receive right away. Instead, take pen to paper and each day write down 5 things you are grateful for that day and read over them again before you go to bed. Gratitude is key in the LOA.

Step 4: Receive 

Now this is the best one, obviously! Now that you’ve achieved your goal your belief will only be stronger and you can continue to work on using these methods until it is just a way of life. The one motto you need to remember is thoughts become things!

Wajiha Fawad

3 مدونة المشاركات

Awalludin Ramlee 1 ذ

The law of attraction is based on the idea that we attract into our lives what we focus our thoughts and emotions on.

Amjad Ali 1 ذ

All four steps are so lovely with realistic approach.

Imran Khan 1 ذ

Great lines for success life

Muhammad Sajjad 1 ذ

Thanks for telling such tips and guidelines of shaping life.