Microsurvey Software

webinar hosted by MicroSurvey Software to learn more about SurveyTools™ for BricsCAD. Contact information for MicroSurvey Software

This article introduces SurveyTools™ for BricsCAD®, an all-in-one solution for surveying specific workflows. Developed by MicroSurvey Software in partnership with Hexagon Geosystems, SurveyTools™ aims to accelerate productivity and ensure data integrity in the surveying industry.


The article highlights some key features of SurveyTools™, including its ability to clean up drawings and automatically create points from linework and grid lines for field use. It also mentions the software's capability to import and automate much of the drafting process, making survey deliverables more efficient. Additionally, SurveyTools™ offers dynamic TIN surface modeling for creating digital terrain models.


The article concludes by inviting readers to join a webinar hosted by MicroSurvey Software to learn more about SurveyTools™ for BricsCAD. Contact information for MicroSurvey Software is provided for those with further questions.


Overall, the article effectively introduces SurveyTools™ for BricsCAD® and highlights its key features. It provides enough information to pique the reader's interest and encourages further engagement through the webinar and contact information.

Awalludin Ramlee

417 Blog Beiträge

Asif Aziz 45 w

Good job