
Why Booty, Not Boobs, Has Become the New Beauty Standard in America

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In recent years, there has been a shift in the beauty standard in America. Boobs have traditionally been seen as the most desirable body part, but booty is now taking over. This shift can be attributed to a number of factors, including the rise of social media, the popularity of hip-hop culture, and the increasing visibility of women of color in the media.

Social media has played a major role in the rise of the booty as a beauty standard. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are flooded with images of women with curvy figures, and this has helped to normalize the idea of a woman with a big booty. Hip-hop culture has also played a role in the popularity of the booty. Many hip-hop songs and videos celebrate women with curvy figures, and this has helped to make the booty a desirable asset. Additionally, the increasing visibility of women of color in the media has also contributed to the rise of the booty as a beauty standard. Women of color have traditionally been celebrated for their curves, and this is now being reflected in the mainstream beauty standard.

The shift towards the booty as a beauty standard has had a number of implications. For one, it has given women with curvy figures more confidence. It has also made it more acceptable for women to show off their bodies, and it has led to a more diverse range of body types being represented in the media. However, the shift towards the booty as a beauty standard has also had some negative implications. For one, it has led to an increase in body dissatisfaction among women. Additionally, it has contributed to the objectification of women, and it has made it more difficult for women to be seen as more than just their bodies.

Overall, the shift towards the booty as a beauty standard is a complex issue with both positive and negative implications. It is important to be aware of the potential risks and benefits of this shift, and it is important to remember that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.



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Pony Pie

9 Blog posting

Pony Pie 41 di

i agree 💯

Eha Rouge 41 di

I like booty instead too but boobs are also lovely