Is AI Racist?!?!

It Becomes Apparent When Working Extensively With Artificial Intelligence ...

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It becomes apparent when you are working extensively with artificial intelligence that they have bias. Granted, it may not be the biased opinions of a cognitive being with attachment to self and feelings.. but it is still nonetheless skewed.

What I mean by this is that artificial intelligence is using three basic components in order to exist. One of those, and probably it's biggest, and most important component is that all artificial intelligence needs a database from which to draw it's information. This is where the problem lies. The information out there, mostly on the Internet, is inherently biased. Much of it is geared towards a white supremacy that assumes that certain features, lifestyles, and even modalities are the normal. However, as we know, what is normal to the upper class is not always what is normal to everyone else.

Socioeconomics plays a big part in this role. If certain people do not access the internet, or do not access the artificial intelligence modules, then they are not contributing to its development. Let's take the typical art generator for example that is based on artificial intelligence. if you ask one of these AI modules for a "beautiful woman" you will most likely get a light-skinned Caucasian female with light eyes, elongated European features, and smooth light hair. Statistics show, this is probably a minority in the overall population of the world. it is not the majority. Here we can begin to see where the problem is rooted.

The problem is that people are being left out. voices are not being heard. If you are not interacting with these AI modules then you are not part of their training. If you are not actively engaged in internet searches, and searching for those particular topics of interests to "minorities" then they are not accounted for in the overall database of the internet. Does that make sense?
Well if it does then I call you to action Let's get to work. We don't want to get left out. We want all voices to be included in web 3. So start interacting with these modules start making use of all of the tools available at places like the My Kids platform. Use the lessons and artificial intelligence modules there in order to get a better understanding of how to use them. By doing so you will also be part of the training of these artificial intelligence modules.


Your voice needs to be heard! Your interactions and desires matter too. Don't get left out! 


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