Parenthood tips from the Quran

Quran is a divine source of timeless advive for mankind

.1. Teach your children about the importance of faith: The Quran emphasizes the significance of instilling faith in children from a young age. Encourage them to develop a strong relationship with Allah and teach them about the principles and values of Islam.


2. Lead by example: Children often learn by observing their parents. Show them the importance of practicing Islam in your daily life. Pray regularly, recite the Quran, and engage in acts of kindness and charity. Your actions will have a lasting impact on their upbringing.


3. Nurture a loving and caring environment: The Quran emphasizes the importance of love, mercy, and compassion within the family. Create a warm and supportive atmosphere at home, where children feel safe, loved, and respected. Show affection towards them and teach them to be kind and considerate towards others.


4. Teach them the Quran and its teachings: Encourage your children to learn and understand the Quran. Teach them its verses, stories, and lessons. Help them develop a deep understanding of the Quran's teachings and how they can apply them in their daily lives.


5. Encourage good morals and manners: The Quran emphasizes the importance of good character and manners. Teach your children to be honest, respectful, patient, and humble. Instill in them the values of integrity, empathy, and gratitude.


6. Foster a strong sense of community: Teach your children the importance of being part of a larger community. Encourage them to engage in acts of charity, volunteer work, and helping those in need. Teach them the value of unity and cooperation.


7. Communicate and listen: The Quran emphasizes the importance of communication and listening within the family. Create an open and non-judgmental environment where your children feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and concerns. Listen to them attentively and provide guidance and support when needed.


8. Set boundaries and discipline with love: The Quran encourages parents to discipline their children with love and kindness. Set clear boundaries and rules, and enforce them consistently. Use positive reinforcement and gentle correction to guide your children towards good behavior.


9. Encourage seeking knowledge: The Quran emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge. Encourage your children to pursue education and acquire knowledge in various fields. Teach them the importance of critical thinking, seeking truth, and applying knowledge for the betterment of society.


10. Pray for your children: The Quran encourages parents to pray for their children's well-being, guidance, and success. Make sincere supplications for your children's spiritual, emotional, and physical growth. Seek Allah's blessings and guidance in raising them to be righteous individuals.

Awalludin Ramlee

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