Odisi anak Kampar

A book review, on the migration on two kamparian families to peninsular malaysia

.Summary of the book in one sentence: "Odisi anak Kampar is about a young man from Kampar, Sumatra who, under the pressure of Dutch colonialism, decides to migrate to the Malay Peninsula to start a new life."


Selected excerpt from the author:


"With his body covered in blood, wounds inflicted by the Dutch and small bayonet wounds on his arms, he bravely defends himself against the relentless attacks of the Dutch oppressors."


ODISI ANAK KAMPAR tells the story of two young men from Muara Wai in Bangkinang, LIMO KOTO, Kampar, Sumatra. These young men are among thousands living under Dutch colonial rule in the late nineteenth century. Salleh fights in the guerrilla movement against Dutch colonization, while Jamil seeks revenge for the confiscation of his family's land and is determined to deepen his knowledge to oppose the Dutch.


However, when the pressure from the Dutch to capture Salleh intensifies after a bloody confrontation in Muara Wai village, he is forced to migrate to the Malay Peninsula. Jamil, who aspires to further his religious education on the Peninsula, helps Salleh and his wife escape from Limo Koto, where the Dutch are intensively searching for anti-Dutch fighters. They part ways after reaching the Peninsula.


They reunite in Selangor and agree to go to Kedah to start a new life. The Dutch are no longer a threat, but now the English and later the Japanese are present.


This book is a narrative of the journey, obstacles, and challenges faced when starting a new life on the Malay Peninsula.


Affifudin the author has ancestral roots in Kampar from both his father and mother's side. He began exploring writing in 2009 after feeling disillusioned with the political world. He has extensive experience in government as a senior officer and eventually as a deputy minister, as well as in several corporate bodies, including a bank. He has an academic background in agricultural science and social sciences. He passed away a few years back as a lifetime member of ikmal

Awalludin Ramlee

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