Do good onto others

The encounter Bill Gates and the boy and the lessons from it



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This account illustrates a key message about the essence of generosity, which is not about the amount one gives, but the spirit in which one gives it. It describes a fascinating encounter between a legendary billionaire, Bill Gates, and a seemingly ordinary black young man in New York. The story begins with a youthful Bill Gates at the New York airport. He wants to purchase a newspaper, but does not have coins for the purchase. A young boy steps in and offers him a copy for free. This unexpected act of kindness strikes Gates, but what truly astounds him is the recurrence of the same scenario three months later with the same boy. The boy insists on giving him a free newspaper from his profit. Many years later, as Gates has accumulated wealth and prominence, he feels a strong desire to acknowledge and compensate this boy's past kindness. After locating him, Gates offers to give the young man anything he wishes. However, his offer is rebuffed. The young man explains that Gates' offer is incomparable to his acts of kindness because back then he gave while he was poor and Gates wanted to give when he was rich. This response left an indelible mark on Gates’ heart. Gates, on reflection, admitted that in the perspective of true benevolence, the black young man was indeed richer than him. This story serves as a testament that the act of giving is not measured in numbers, but in sacrifice and selflessness. The real attitude of giving involves acts of kindness and generosity, even in times of one's own insufficiency. This narrative elucidates the simplicity and profundity of real philanthropy, encapsulating a powerful message for all to imbibe. Despite Gates’ enormous wealth, he learned that the most profound kind of richness is not defined by one's bank balance or material possessions, but rather by one’s spirited generosity and kindness. The black young man exemplified this despite his apparent financial struggles - a rich lesson that we should all strive to emulate. Therefore, it is indeed correct to say that being rich is not about how much you have, but about how much you can give, especially when you have little. This is a spirit that we should all seek to keep alive. This story shows that true wealth lies not in being materially rich, but in being rich in spirit and generosity.

Awalludin Ramlee

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