Happy 66th birthday MALAYSIA MERDEKA

On this Day, Our Nation Turns Sixty-Six: A Jubilant Anthem of Vigour and Vitality

.Title: "On this Day, Our Nation Turns Sixty-Six: A Jubilant Anthem of Vigour and Vitality."


As the sun rises on the 31st of August 2023, we come together in joyous celebration, for today, our nation is turning 66. A tender sapling yesterday, today a flourishing tree, yet still youthful and radiating an ever effervescent glow. Question arises, would you choose to see our nation as enduringly young and surging with vigour? Yes, we do believe, for we carry the promise of prosperity, if we truly want it to be. 


"O you who have believed, respond to Allah and to the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life.” (Quran 8:24). The call is to unity and pursuit of life-enhancing deeds, a fitting backdrop to our reflection on national growth and becoming. We planted the seed of our nation in the soil of unity, under the nurturing rays of hard work, and bathed it with the water of sacrifice. Today, we see the fruits of our collective endeavour and pray for a continuation.


In the resplendence of our 66th year, let’s examine our nation's journey; from inception, through the challenges and victories, till this very day. An individual yet interconnected story defines each phase; from the birth pangs of freedom, the adolescent struggle of nation-building, to the youthful audacity of progress and prosperity. As we narrate each chapter, we weave a vibrant tapestry of unity, resilience, and tenacity that demonstrates our national character.


Hadith reminds us, "Actions shall be judged by intentions," and so as we walk further into our collective future, let's renew our commitment. A commitment to uphold the founding principles that gave rise to our dynamic nation. Values of justice, peace, and collaboration, guideposts in our ongoing journey. We envision a nation that remains young at heart, constantly rejuvenating itself, and endlessly potent.


In conclusion, on this 66th birthday of our nation, let us infuse our shared dreams with renewed energy and align our actions with deeper purpose and intent. More than just a numerical semblance of our national age, '66' can be a vigorous testament of our strategic progress and our continued aspirations. Our nation isn't simply ageing; it's evolving, growing, and embodying more comprehensively its identity. Here's to a nation forever young at heart and filled with vigour. Happy 66th Birthday to our beloved Nation!

Awalludin Ramlee

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