Lessons from the Quran 10:10

It emphasizes the significance of belief and doing righteous deeds, as those who follow these principles will be guided by their Lord.


The Surah Yunus (10:10) illustrates some key lessons we can take home and apply to our lives. It usually emphasizes the significance of belief and doing righteous deeds, as those who follow these principles will be guided by their Lord. Those who genuinely fear their Lord and strive to live their lives in accordance with His teachings will be led in groups to Paradise, a place of remarkable tranquility, where peace is the common greeting and praises to Allah are continuous. 


These verses suggest tremendous rewards for the faithful and righteous, who will reside eternally in the Gardens of Pleasure where rivers will flow beneath them. In this Divine abode, there will be no ill speech or commission of sin, only phrases of peace and harmony. 


In essence, Surah Yunus (10:10) sincerely teaches us the importance of faith, righteousness, and the hope for guidance and eternal happiness in Paradise. Absolutely, the contentment of the heart and soul that comes from praising and seeking guidance from Allah will result in a pleasing and peaceful existence in the hereafter. All these lessons indicate the need for consistent belief, good deeds, and absolute faith in the guidance of Allah, the Lord of the worlds. 


Furthermore, a particularly poignant part of these teachings is the fact that they address the removal from our hearts any lurking sense of injury or harm, symbolizing the tremendous kindness of Allah towards his followers. This understanding reassures us that we could not have found guidance, had it not been for Allah's intervention and teachings passed on by His messengers. This should serve as a constant inspiration for us to always strive to do good and have faith, for just as the messengers brought us the truth, so too should we propagate this truth in our daily lives. Surely, all praise is for Allah, the Lord of the worlds.



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Awalludin Ramlee

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