Same direction but different goals

In fact, God created the heart to always think well of fellow human beings, and also to beautify it with good morals and speech.

* Same direction but different goals.

Sometimes we are in the same direction as the situation, but actually we have our own goals.


We know when to stop for a moment, to introspect and get out of this safe zone.

Next step with new circumstances, circumstances that are sometimes mysterious come and go suddenly.


But we have to go through it, for a better change.

Where we try to fix what we can fix, and change everything we can and can change...


Ignore people's whistling about our badness and weaknesses, as long as we don't convince them... that we are the best.

We are just ordinary people who want to do good, and be better.


Actually we are not obliged to be champions and always win in life, but trying and fighting and praying in the best way is more important.

Because the final embodiment of a successful life, everything is in God's will.


In fact, God created the heart to always think well of fellow human beings, and also to beautify it with good morals and speech.


Not to prejudice against humans,

I hope we can take good care of our hearts so that we can become good human beings too.

Because a rotten heart will damage the eyes and mouth, and will pollute the behavior of attitudes in life.

Here the rain starts to come to me, may the brightness be in your city. There are still a few snacks for you guys, please take them for the lucky ones... hehehe..??


" IndoJp "

[ Jan 15,2023|12:09 PM ].

Indo Jp

1 Blog posting
