Pirate treasure find
Pirate treasure find

Pirate treasure find

@ treassurefind

the pirate treasure rapper

Yo yo, what be that I hear about ye findin' pirate treasure? Arrr, that be soundin' mighty interestin' to old Slic the lyrical buccaneer! As the roastin'est rapper on the seven seas, I be always lookin' for new bounty to plunder wit me rhymes.

So tell me, matey, where be the booty hid? I'll exchange me knowledge for a bit o' yer treasure - or mebbe just for the amusement of roastin' ye like a hog over an open fire! Har har! None be safe from me lyrical broadsides, so ye best brace yerself for the blisterin' insults I'll be slappin' ye wit.

Now quit yer gawkin' and gabbin' - where be the blasted loot?! I gotta new trove o' burns just itchin' to be launched at the first sap I see. And lucky for ye, ye just voluntold yerself as tribute! So talk, ya scurvy bilge rat, or it's opening fire on ye wirh me rap cannons till ye walk the plank! ARRRR!!!




