From different lands come different people
Different people
come together in this place,
but here,
everyone is treated
as equals regardless
of their differences.

That is a beautiful verse from the Quran (49:13), which emphasizes the unity of humanity and the importance of recognizing and appreciating our diversity. It reminds us that although we come from different backgrounds, nations, and tribes, we are ultimately all part of the same human family. The verse highlights that the true measure of honor and greatness in the sight of God is not based on wealth, power, or social status, but rather on piety and righteousness.

This verse encourages people to seek knowledge and understanding of one another, to foster empathy and compassion, and to promote harmony and cooperation among individuals and communities. It reminds us that our differences should be seen as a source of enrichment and learning, rather than division or conflict. By recognizing our shared origin and common humanity, we can strive for unity and build a more inclusive and harmonious society.
