26 میں ·ترجمہ کریں۔

The Clock Tower stands tall between the minarets,

Its purpose is to announce the next prayer time,
For the next meal,
And the next break to rest.

Both fleeting and enduring,
In its midst, we seek forgiveness,
We beseech The Lord with tears.

And now, my God, I confess my transgressions,
Forgive me for my wrongdoings.
I am the one who committed evil,
I am the one who erred,
I am the one who intended to sin,
I am the one who was ignorant,
I am the one who was heedless,
I am the one who was negligent,
I am the one who relied on others besides You,
I am the one who planned,
I am the one who broke promises,
I am the one who strayed,
I am the one who acknowledged my sins,
I am the one who recognized Your blessings upon me,
Just to return to my transgressions.

So forgive me for my sins,
O Lord, who is unaffected by the sins of His servants,
And who does not depend on their obedience.
Through your aid and mercy, you grant success
To those who strive in righteousness.

All praise belongs to You, My God and My Lord!
