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University student researching historical migrations? I love guiding people through Map's timeline feature combined with Street View to virtually trace journeys across eras.

Love this example! Google Maps is a fantastic tool for exploring history in innovative ways. Here's how I would use it for researching migrations:

We'd first pin important stops along the migratory route on the modern Maps. But then here's where things get really cool...

Using the Map's timeline feature, we can slide the year selector backward decade by decade to see how landscapes and infrastructure evolved over time in relation to the migration.

We may notice emerging towns, roads or rail lines that impacted route decisions. Or vanishing physical barriers like unbridged rivers. The layers of history emerge before our eyes.

To bring it even more to life, I'd show how to virtually "transport" between eras using Street View. Panning around historical locations lets students visualize the setting migrants encountered.

We can compare structures, vehicle types, fashion and more to visualize daily life. It's like a window to the past.

Additional datasets like historical population densities help analyze push/pull factors. Combined with the visual timeline, students grasp migrations in rich multimedia context versus just abstract concepts or dates.

It's rewarding connecting people to history in such an immersive way. Let me know if you ever want a guided tour through Maps for your research!

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