Overweight…you can’t live a long life like that.

Please take care of your body. The things you eat. The water you drink.

I started to help people with the food cause I had bulimia. 
i had anxiety and that anxiety made me eat more... I was sick. But I survived. 
Now, im alive and I can tell my story and help others. I want to recommend to people to stop the sugar eating. 
the chocolates, the chips with a lot of carbs, fried foods. Takes your life away...

What if we only live in a world where we consume plants, vegetables and some chicken, white fish and salmon...
I'm not saying you can't go and have a cake once in a while but all the time will get you sick. 
if you eat carbs and you don't take probiotics you can get a yeast infection. 
i see a lot of fat woman and I wish I could tell them how to fix that but they don't understand me cause they are so addicted already to the sugar...

cocacola, sugar drinks are the worst for you. Alcohol is the worst for you. 
try to eat cleaner. More salads, a little bread here and there. 
white fish, quinoa, rice, salmon, chicken, juices, cucumber juice

your body will thank you later...and your digestion will be amazing too. Don't take years of your life cause you eat this bad foods. 

Sky Venus

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