The Importance of making ones Experiential Learning continue to Live.

By Writing it down in Rougee you can make it avail even after you are gone

First learn about Referral. Referrals can refer to different things in different contexts, such as a recommendation from one person to another to join a program or purchase a product, or a system that rewards individuals for bringing new customers or members to a particular business or organization. 

Experiential learning is a process where individuals learn through their own direct experiences and reflections on those experiences. It is a powerful way to gain knowledge and skills, and can lead to long-lasting changes in attitudes and behaviors.

However, if experiential learning is not recorded or documented in some way, the information and insights gained from the experience can be easily forgotten. Writing down or documenting experiences allows individuals to revisit their insights and reflections at a later time, which can help to reinforce and deepen their understanding of the material.

Additionally, documenting experiential learning can also serve as a valuable resource for others who may want to learn from the same experiences. This can be especially important for those who work in fields where practical experience and hands-on learning are valued, such as in the arts, business, or education.

Overall, while experiential learning can be a powerful tool for personal growth and development, it is important to take the time to document and reflect on the experiences in order to maximize their value and impact.

Awalludin Ramlee

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