Coming Soon

An update on what I am working on. I am also sharing updates on my recent earning activity on Tangled!

Hey Grill! I hope everyone is having a good week so far. My week has been better than last week. Things at my house have calmed down a little for now. Life has a funny way of switching things up on you in a split second so I am ready for whatever comes my way in the coming days.

My next video/article was going to be about blogging for Crypto but I have decided to put that on hold to cover a platform I have been using for a while. This platform allows you to earn by turning your extra devices (or even the one you use) into a node. This is one of the easiest ways I have found to earn. The only problem I came across in the past is exchanging your earnings. Turns out it is a lot easier than I thought. I have been waiting to write and create a video about this platform until I figured out how it all works. Well that time has come! This is another Polkadot project. It is pretty amazing everything Polkadot has going on. Stay tuned for updates!

I am going to try to go live Sunday around 9pm (EST) on Tangled and YouTube to do a wheel spin for my latest challenge on Tangled. Everyone who participated will be put into the wheelspin. Twelve people have the chance of winning from 2,000,000 MLX up to 10,000,000 MLX. I am not sure how long I will be live but I plan on just hanging out after the wheel spin and talking about different projects and how I earn. I hope to see everyone tonight!

Tangled -

I also wanted to congratulate @nengste for winning my latest giveaway of 2,000 SUB! I appreciate all of your support Nengste and I am glad you were one of the winners! I hope you enjoy Grill!

I hope to see all of you during my live and I wish all of you the best of luck during the wheel spin. Thank you for all of the support. I plan on giving back a good chunk of what I earn to everyone who follows me and supports my passion for blockchain. The more I grow the bigger the rewards will be. The support everyone has been showing me means more than you know.

#goinglive #comingsoon #thankyou #youareamazing #wheelspin #newarticle #newvideo #video #article #earnwithhatty #Polkadot #blockchain #iot #tangled


Hatty Hats

3 blog posts
