Lipoprotein profile

Amount of lipoprotein in blood tests information

A lipoprotein board, likewise called a lipid board or lipid profile, gauges the degrees of LDL and HDL cholesterol and fatty oils in your blood. Cholesterol and fatty oil levels that are higher or lower than typical might be indications of higher gamble of coronary illness.


A lipoprotein board gives data about your:


Complete cholesterol

LDL ("terrible") cholesterol, which is the primary wellspring of cholesterol development and blockages in the courses

HDL ("great") cholesterol, which helps decline cholesterol blockages in the supply routes

Fatty oils, which are a sort of fat in your blood

The vast majority should quick for 9 to 12 hours before a lipoprotein board.

Esma Sid

18 博客 帖子

Faizan Ahmad 1 是

Yes, it is important to fast for 9 to 12 hours before a lipoprotein board. Fasting for this length of time helps ensure that the results of the test are accurate and that any lifestyle factors, such as recent meals, are not influencing the results. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions carefully when preparing for a lipoprotein board.

Muhammad Sajjad 1 是

it's going upside of my head I am not much good at biology