Science, Magic, and Scientism

Discover the beauty of Science and Magic.

Based on the documentary I’ve watched titled, The Magician Twin: C.S. Lewis and case against Scientism. I learned a lot of things base on C.S Lewis perception and contradictions about scientism. In fact, he doesn’t against science but about the idea of scientism that might bring a lot of dilemmas to humanities. In addition, C.S. Lewis believes that science and magic are twins, they are both magical and people urge to discover more of it and prove its existence.

Science and magic are twins due to a reason that once you wander in a forest and see such magical scenery then you’ll feel that there are something beyond that magical thing and think that there must be someone who created that. In negative side, sad to say that humans believe in such hideous religions created by people who wants to manipulate and influence other people, like the believe about science as a religion in fact people around the globe are believers of this quasi religion.

One of it’s root is Darwinianism which people had faith on C. Darwin that present a theory of Evolution. The theory stated that humans are able to reached this state due to survival of the fittest, however C.S Lewis contradicts this belief and questions it’s credibility to proof that humans came from apes.

Also, C.S Lewis think that science and magic are twins due to power, only magic can’t be control and sometimes fail but science can be manipulated by humans, in our modern society, we can’t avoid the fact that science brings a lot of changes in our living however in exchange of that, there are evil people who manipulate science and brings bad things in this world, with the creation of weapons of mass destruction that could potentially wiped out human existence.

What is scientism?

Based on C.S Lewis Scientism is the idea that humanity, having now sufficiently corrupted the planet where it arose, must at all costs contrive to seed itself over a larger area. Lewis to make the case against the proposition that science represents the sole means of understanding reality the concept known as scientism. Although Lewis' extensive collection of writings contains many arguments against scientism, one work in particular focuses on refuting the power of science.

How is science more dangerous than magic?

Science and magic are twins according to Lewis, however the difference is magic can fail and won’t be casted properly however once a new science is discovered then people with bad intention had the power to manipulate that certain discovery and people around can be control under their authority.

In modern age, it’s hard to believe the existence of magic but in science, we already seen it’s potential that brings a lot of discoveries and changes on our society, however as part of that changes, human mind became more eager to discover more and use science to change the natural selection and breed new type of science that might change humanity.

Why is science more dangerous than magic?

Magic is hard to believe that exist but science is already part of life that anytime can be use against us, in equivalent of science is power which holds by people that had bad intentions, there are lots of weapons, biochemical, technologies, Artificial intelligence, etc. that anytime can be use as a harm to humanity, in a single click then a nuclear bomb can wiped out the entire city, in a single transmission then a pandemic can cause chaos around the globe and kills thousands or millions of people, that’s why I said that science can far more dangerous than magic.

What is the presented essence of modernity and its consequence?

Modernity had lots of positive impact on our society; in fact our lives became better with the help of innovation and advance technology. In different aspects of our society such as health, transportation, communication, engineering and even nature, science really helps humanity. However, in contradiction, we can’t avoid the negative impact of modernity which brings a lot of problems.

In exchange of modernity is the destruction of our environment, in addition with that, modernity is used to control people. The privacy is breached and looks like there are eyes everywhere look in you that anytime any of your personal information can be used against you, that’s why modernity had good and bad consequences to humans.

What do we need for the sciences to be good?

For me, the best way for science to be good is to limit humans eagerness to discover more about science, since the more scientist discover things, the more it became threat to human and nature existence. If human mind won’t be limit then it’s better to control the intent to use it in good way and avoid planning to use it to harm humanity.


Leomar Selga

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