The story about the papuans

A small book that i read about the papuans i found says this

.Once upon a time, in the year 1979, I found myself working at a timber mill in the quaint timber complex  of Kaut. It was a place filled with the sweet scent of freshly cut wood and the rhythmic sound of saws echoing through the air. Little did I know that my time there would lead me to a remarkable discovery, one that would forever change my perspective on the world.


One day, as I was taking a break in Tim's lodge, a small book caught my eye. Tim, a kind-hearted man who had recently been abandoned by his wife, was visibly distraught. Sensing his need for company, I decided to keep him company and lend an ear to his troubles. As he prepared a cup of coffee, I picked up the book and gently flipped it open, revealing a collection of short stories about Papua.


My eyes were immediately drawn to a chapter titled "The People of Papua." Intrigued, I delved into the pages and found myself captivated by a tale that spoke of ancient origins and a proud race. According to the story, the Papuans were said to be descendants of a group that had embarked on a grand expedition from Egypt during the days of the pharaohs.


Led by their courageous ancestors, the Papuans set sail in ten magnificent ships, each carrying forty males and forty females. These vessels were crafted from the same reeds that lined the banks of the mighty Nile River, but they were ten times larger than the ordinary reed rafts used for navigation. To aid their journey, the Papuans ingeniously fashioned sails from woven dried reeds, harnessing the power of the wind to guide them through the vast ocean.


For five long months, they sailed along the coastal waters, their hearts filled with hope and determination. However, fate had a different plan in store for them. One fateful day, their ships became adrift in unknown territories, far from the familiar shores of Egypt. With no land in sight, their spirits wavered, and uncertainty clouded their minds.


But as luck would have it, their rafts eventually found refuge on a beautiful island, adorned with lush coconut trees and vibrant coral reefs. Grateful for their newfound sanctuary, the Papuans eagerly stepped ashore, unknowingly landing in ten different places scattered across the island. With no knowledge of each other's presence, they set about establishing ten distinct villages, each with its own unique culture and traditions.


As I read this extraordinary tale, I couldn't help but marvel at the resilience and ingenuity of the Papuan people. Despite the challenges they faced, they managed to forge a new life in this unfamiliar land, building communities that would thrive for generations to come. Their story served as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit has the power to overcome and create something beautiful.


From that day forward, my perspective on the world expanded, and my heart was filled with a newfound appreciation for the diversity and interconnectedness of humanity. The story of the Papuans, their journey from Egypt to Papua, became a symbol of hope and resilience, reminding me that no matter where we come from, we all share a common thread that binds us together.


And so, as I closed the book and returned it to its rightful place, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for stumbling upon this hidden treasure. It was a reminder that even in the unlikeliest of places, there are stories waiting to be discovered, stories that have the power to touch our hearts and inspire us to embrace the beauty of our shared human experience.

Awalludin Ramlee

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