Beautiful and rare plants in Malaysia

This chapter 12 is all about the beautiful and rare plants you can find in Malaysia, and how we can collect or "harvest"




This chapter 12 is all about the beautiful and rare plants you can find in Malaysia, and how we can collect or "harvest" them in a way that doesn't hurt the plants or the environment. Imagine if you were picking rambutans from a tree - doing it carefully and responsibly means the tree can still grow more rambutans later.


The beginning of the chapter talks about how valuable these rare plants are to the environment in Malaysia and why it's important that we protect them. We learn that a lot of different things, like science, society, culture, and even our minds, connect with these plants.


Next, the chapter explains what sustainable harvesting is. Basically, it's a way of collecting the plants that both helps them to keep growing and can also support the local people in Malaysia who depend on them for survival.


Then, the chapter shares some of the ways people in Malaysia are already using sustainable harvesting techniques to protect these special plants. It gives examples like selecting only certain plants to harvest, growing rare plants specifically to be harvested, and saving seeds in a 'seed bank' so we can grow more plants in the future.


But, like with any good thing, there are challenges that come with it. Sometimes, people may not know about these techniques, or there might not be enough communication and coordination between the different groups involved. The chapter explains that if we want these techniques to be successful, everyone - from local communities to politicians - needs to work together.


Finally, the chapter ends by encouraging us to take action to protect these plants and our environment. It paints a hopeful picture - if we do research, empower local communities, and use sustainable harvesting, Malaysia's rare plants can keep thriving.


In the end, this chapter isn't just about the scientific side of protecting plants. It's also about the human side - how our actions can support the environment and allow us to continue to enjoy Malaysia's amazing plant life.


Awalludin Ramlee

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